Today's Techology (Continued)
Hey guys,welcome to the cutest diary in my three worlds,
Yeahhhhh!! This week i would like to write about today's technology continued last week. Do you want to know it? If you want to,come with me.Leggo!
First of all, We had to test in unit 1 and 2: Healthy Diet and Natural disasters within 1 hour. Before the test started, I prayed for myself "wish knowledges stay with me and wish me do it extremely,please" I was worry a little bit because I can't found my watch! The instructor said"if you're not sure in some part,you can skip and do them later." I followed her suggestion strictly because I didn't have a watch.;(
Finally, this test passed by without trouble. I was releive when I finished it. But we had to study unit 3: Today's technology next to the test. So,dr. Usa assighned us to divided in group of 6-7 people for discussed and summarized about today's technology like facebook,blogs,or profcasts etc. Each members had to understand about the stories that the teacher assighned bacause they had to exchanged their knowledges to another groups by switched people in groups to the other groups.
Our group was assigned in title "Here are some reason for using blogs" that was continued from group 1. We brainstormed to summarized it. Let's see!
this is our summary, like it? ^^
and these are summarized from the other groups (recycle paper)
It's time to moved your body! At first, I was a member of group 2. Then I was a member of group B. Each new groups inclued members from group 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and changed to group A,B,C,D,E,F. I shared my conclusion to other members in my new group and they shared their conclusion to me too. My group finished for the first group because we explained both were English and Thai. What a good sophomores!
This activity had a lot of advantages such as practiced our summrized, practiced teamwork skills include practiced your reading,speaking and communication skills. I think it had a lot of benefits for us.
However,we found some obstructions about the stories that we dicussed like unfamiliar words,misunderstood about discussing or can not summary. But we can solved them by...
- Found the word meaning from dictionaries such as Cambridge dictionaries online, Thai fast dict etc.
- Paid attention in class in order to protect misunderstanding
- Tried to analyzed for conclusion together
I was very amused and challenged when I did this activity
because I had to explain knowledges of my group to the new group. If I can not make them understand what I tell,they won't know my story anything else. So I had to try to understand about the story that I was assigned. There were a lot of moments between I did it like I was tired when I tried to understand what Kittipong told but finally,I can understood him or laughed out loud when Thanet did some funny acts to us,hahaha. ^O^
I hope you enjoy reading my diaries and wish you like it soooooo much. Have a nice dream everyone. See you next week, bebes!
