


Learning Reflection of this course

Ok guys. This blog will tell you what I have learned through this semester in Discourse Approach in English. What are you waiting for? Let's see! 1. Recount 2. Narratives 3. Descriptive 4. Procedure 5. Comparison and Contrast  6. Cause and Effect 7. Definition 8. Classification 9. Exemplification 10. Problem and Solution What did you find easy?  Through this semester, my favorite genre is Procedure because it can be easily found in many ways such as how to cook food or how to use some electronics. What did you find difficult?   Problem and Solution. How did you solve the problem I think I have to practice to find discourse markers more and more and read more carefully because a lot of alphabets in the text might make me be dizzy! What are your attitude towards the lessons? Personally, ...


week 16 Problem and Solution (Continued)

Week 15 Problem and Solution